dissabte, 25 de juny del 2016



Going to stay in a different country is fun and exciting. You will be living the life of a British teenager, speaking in English, eating different foods at different times of the day and experiencing a different lifestyle. To help you settle in over the first few days here are some things to remember:

  • Keep an open mind and look forward to facing new challenges 
  • The climate, customs and lifestyle will be different to home, try new foods at different times of the day and embrace new experiences
  •  Prepare questions and topics to share with your host family 
  • Don’t be frightened to ask questions and practise your English at every given opportunity, families are accustomed to hosting students of all levels 
  • You are staying in a family home, tidy up after yourself and behave respectfully 
  • Remember your British manners, say please and thank you! 

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